CAD/CAM Software
1) Seat Solidworks 2018
4) Seats Fusion 360 CAD/CAM software
2) Seats Fusion 360 Ultimate
5) Seats EZ-CAM CAM software
5) Seats VersaCad 2d drafting software
Support for conversion of DXF. and IGES.
1) Plotter – H.P. Model T120 “A” – “D” size
Equipment – CNC Vertical Mills
1) Leadwell V-40iT 5 Axis machining center
travel: X=40”, Y=25”, Z-21”
table/work piece 14”/24” Dia. 14” high
tool carousal: 30 tools at max dia of 3.0”
spindle RPM = 12,000, HP = 30
1) Leadwell V-40iT 5 Axis machining center
travel: X=40”, Y=25”, Z-21”
table/work piece 14”/24” Dia. 14” high
tool carousal: 40 tools at max dia of 3.0”
thru spindle coolant
spindle RPM = 12,000, HP = 30
1) Leadwell V-50i machining center
with 4th axis indexer & trunnion
table size = 56” X 24”
travel: X=50”, Y=25”, Z=24”
tool carousal: 30 tools at max dia of 3.0”
spindle RPM = 12,000, HP = 30
1) Leadwell V-50i machining center
table size = 56” X 24”
travel: X=50”, Y=25”, Z=24”
tool carousal: 30 tools at max dia of 3.0”
spindle RPM = 12,000, HP = 30
1) Leadwell V-42AF machining center
table size = 43” X 20”
travel: X=40”, Y=20”, Z=24”
tool carousal: 24 tools at max dia of 3.0”
thru spindle coolant
spindle RPM = 10,000, HP = 34
1) Leadwell V-42AF machining center
table size = 43” X 20”
travel: X=40”, Y=20”, Z=24”
tool carousal: 24 tools at max dia of 3.0”
spindle RPM = 10,000, HP = 34
1) Bridgeport Interact 720 machining center
table size = 46″ X 20″
travel: X = 30″, Y = 16.1″, Z = 17.7″
tool carousal: 20 tools at max dia of 3.0″
spindle RPM = 6000, HP = 10
1) Bridgeport VMC1000XP/30 machining ctr
table size = 45” x 19”
travel: X=40”, Y=24”, Z=24”
tool carousal: 30 tools at max dia of 2.95”
spindle RPM = 6000, HP = 18
1) Bridgeport VMC1000/22 machining center
table size = 45” X 19”
travel: X=40”, Y= 20”, Z = 19”
tool carousal: 22 tools at max dia of 3.0″
spindle RPM = 6000, HP = 15
1) Bridgeport VMC1000/22 machining center
table size = 45” X 19”
travel: X=40”, Y= 20”, Z = 19”
tool carousal: 22 tools at max dia of 3.0″
spindle RPM = 4000, HP = 15
Equipment – CNC Lathes
1) Leadwell T6
14.7 HP, 5,000 RPM
17.7” swing, 16.5” between centers
collets (to 2.25” dia.)
6″ hydraulic 3 jaw chuck
2) Romi Centur 35E
10 HP, 3,500 RPM
20.25″ swing, 40″ between centers.
3J collets (1.75 dia. stock)
8″ 3 jaw chuck, 10” 2 jaw chuck
1) Romi PowerPath 15
15 HP, 4,500 RPM
17″ swing, 21.26″ between centers.
3J collets (1.75 dia. stock)
8″ hydraulic 3 jaw chuck
10” hydraulic 2 jaw chuck
12” manual 3 jaw chuck
1) Romi G260 turning Center
15 HP, 4,500 RPM
14″ swing, 21″ between centers.
8″ hydraulic 3 jaw chuck
1) Romi G30 turning center
30 HP, 2,500 RPM
24” swing, 40” between centers
12” hydraulic chuck, collets
3.5” thru spindle
Engine Lathes
1) Colchester, 15″ swing X 40″
3 & 4 jaw chucks, collets to 2″ dia, steady
Vertical Milling Machines
2) Bridgeport ‘V’ram turret mills. Table 9” x 48”
Tooling: 90 deg head,boring heads, rotary
table, dividing heads, digital displays
1) FW Wells CNC production cutoff saw
capacity 9″ round or 9″ X 14″ flat
1) FW Wells manual cutoff saw, cap – 10″
round or 9″ X 16″ flat
1) Kalamazoo abrasive cutoff saw, 8″ blade
1) Grizzly cold saw, 12″ blade, cap – 4″ dia
1) Grob vertical band saw, cap – 18″ radius
Drill Presses
1) Clausing single spindle 20″
1) Clausing single spindle 15″
3) Wilton single spindle 14”
1) Miller 300 amp. AC‑DC gas tungsten‑arc.
1) Lincoln DC 250 M.I.G, T.I.G, & Arc
1) Plasma arc, capacity – 3/8″ stainless steel
1) Welding lathe for gas backed welding of
tube to fittings and turning of parts.
Finishing equipment
1) Hammond model 7VRO 7.5 H.P. polishing
lathe, 4″ wide X 168″ lg belt & 15″ dia buff
1) Dumore I.D. polisher – 5 HP
1) Baldor buffer 2 ‑ 12″ dia. X 3″ wide wheels
2) Burr King belt sander, 2” x 48”
1) Rockwell belt sander, 6” x 48”
1) Ensitech TBE-250 TIG brush
Misc. hand polishing equipment
1) Clausing surface grinder 6″ X 18″ with
radius dresser
1) Cincinnati #2 cutter grinder
1) K.O. Lee universal cutter grinder
1) Oliver Ins. Co. drill sharpener 1/8″ to
5/8″ capacity
1) Sellers drill sharpener 1/2″ to 3″ capacity
1) Savage, 50 ton X 24″ stroke Hydraulic
1) 5 ton hydraulic
1) 3 ton arbor, ½ ton arbor
Inspection Equipment
* Mitutoyo 14″ X 10 or 20 power profile
projector with Geo-Chek Digital readout
* Mitutoyo model 211 surface roughness tester
* Micrometers and verniers to 48″
* 2) 24″ Mitutoyo Digital Height gauge
* Dial bore gauges to 6″
* Gauge pins, gauge blocks
* Granite inspection plate 36″ x 48″
* Steel layout table 60″ x 96″
* Pickup truck – F150
* 6000 lb. lift truck
* 1.5 H.P. magnetic base drill press
* Pipe threaders to 2″ NPT
* Torches
* 5″ portable bandsaw
* Air and electric grinders
* Bead blasting
* Wide variety of hand tools
* High speed milling head
* Electroetch marking